Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Vertical Slope

This was my second day of my Langkawi experience; I tiredly finished my Flying Fox ride and sweated a lot. I was headed to a rope climbing section, on the way I had to cross an underground hole with the help of my rope and balance.

When I reached the place, the mountain that I was climbing down was very steep like a straight vertical line. I felt secure as this was my second time rope climbing and was ready to go down. When I was in my ready position that was standing right opposite to the rock, I was recalling my memories in school when I was climbing in P.E. class, always feeling scared as I might fall down but now I felt happy for I had confidence in myself that I could climb down. The teachers checked whether my ropes and hooks were tight and I started climbing with a steady motion. The sweat droplets from my face were rolling down my cheeks for I wanted to be careful and had a constant speed while climbing down. In my mind I said to myself to be positive and would get down safely.

However, my legs were not higher than my body like the others, so my teacher who was looking up from the ground was advising me to put my legs higher than my body like a “sitting position” because it would be much easier for me when I climbed down. I was trying to do the “sitting position” but it was pretty hard for me because I was not used to it. I went down the climbing path slowly but still couldn’t keep my legs into position. Looking at a 50 feet ground level from my point of view was not a pleasing sight. When I looked at my right side there was a jungle which was dim and thick and on my left there were rough climbing rocks with little trees.

I heard my teacher saying something again so I listened up carefully and followed his direction. First, I let my body lower than my legs. Secondly, I loosened the rope a little bit from my right hand so that I could go down with ease. Finally, I was doing the “sitting position” well for twice or trice but got back to my old position again which my body was being higher than my legs. I still tried to do keep my legs higher than my body. However, while doing the “sitting position”, my right foot slid on the slippery mosses on the rock surface where my right leg lost the grip and at that moment I swung to the right side in the dark jungle where my skin rubbed against the rough uneven rocks and my face almost touched against the rough rocks.

I could tell that the jungle was pitch-dark and I felt cold in my body. At that moment I thought this was the last time talking to my parents in my mind saying, “Mum, dad, don’t worry about me even if I don’t come to the house.” But I was gradually going to the left a little to the place where I was climbing and when I reached the place where I was climbing I still closed my eyes tightly and trembled. My teacher was talking to me very loudly saying, “Are you okay?” I told him that I was fine but actually I was not and he said to me that I should be in my “sitting position”. I again followed the direction by the teacher and came down safely. I finally reached the ground. It was the most terrified time ever in my Langkawi Malaysia Week experience but I was proud of myself that I climbed down from a very steep slope.

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