Friday, May 29, 2009

"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn"

Dr. David M. Burn’s quote means that success is not about being perfect but aiming. If you have a goal and you try your best till the end and never give up then you will be able to be successful. It also means that if you think negatively then you will be discouraged to learn new things in your life. To me it means that you should never give up or else you will get involved in the negative side and lose interest in learning new things. It connects to my life by facing difficult obstacles, for example if I have a big project coming then I should try my best by NOT giving up and always think positive and believe that I CAN do it. Another example is; in yearbook if I have a short deadline which starts from Tuesday till Friday (in the same week), then I start step by step from the Tuesday and come afterschool to finish my page and the student names. By doing like this you will be finishing the page in no time. “Aim for success, not perfection”, I believe that being perfect does not mean you will be always successful in your life, but aiming to your own goal to the very end without giving up is successful. This part of the quote, “Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life” inspires me by telling that even if I have a very difficult situation/option then I still have to trust myself by believing that I can do it if I try harder.

This picture of golf shows the quote by telling that you shoud aim to the hole and not trying to be perfect. In golf, if you think negatively you cannot be focosed in the game and lose your interest so you always have to think positve which makes you the ability to learn.

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