Tuesday, April 14, 2009


In my opinion apologies are important because the person you have been hurt realizes, that person have made a mistake. Most importantly, an apology shows how regretful you have been for hurting someone. Apologies may not cure the illness in the past but it can reduce the pain that the person had and make a better future. In this situation, although Mr. Rudd says that he is “sorry”, the hurt, anger and the frustration from the aborigines would still remain for some indigenous people in Australia. “Stolen Generation” was a criminal and a raciest act; hence it is difficult to accept an apology by Mr. Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister of Australia. When Mr. Rudd said “We today take this first step by acknowledging the past and laying claim to a future that embraces all” and “A future where all Australians, whatever their origins, are truly equal partners, with equal opportunities and with an equal stake in shaping the next chapter in the history of this great country Australia". These speeches made a difference to the aborigines by showing emotional scenes which emphasize that they are taking the apology from Mr. Rudd. However, for some aborigines an apology did not recover their painful wound in the past because in the “Stolen Generation”, the colonizers kidnapped the children and forced the culture and population of Australia to “breed out”. The apology spoken by Mr. Rudd made a difference but some Australians still think that they don’t have to make an apology to the aborigines.
In the picture above, you can see that how a three minute apology touched the minds of the people (aborigines) and gave confidence to turn the nation into a new page.

1 comment:

  1. Hye Ran, you explained that apologies are important to reduce pain as they show regret for the wrongdoing. You also offered excerpts from Rudd's apology speech that indicate the actions of the Australian government was regretted. Remember to stop and explain how your choice of examples prove your points in order to convince your readers to agree with you. Also, be sure to provide evidence for all conclusions drawn to create an in-depth argument. Explain why some Australians didn't feel the apology was necessary and how the image touched the recipients of the speech. Please have someone help you edit your post for mechanical and grammatical errors prior to publishing.
